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Epiphany Epiphany

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Posted on Mon, Jan 6, 2025

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You may have noticed that Epiphany is on our calendar every year on January 6. Most of us simply ignore it. And many of us have no idea what Epiphany is.

The word epiphany means “manifestation,” or “appearance.” It is a traditional Christian celebration of the appearance or the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (non-Jewish people), as represented by the visit of the Magi or wise men. It also celebrates the manifestation of Jesus’ divinity, as demonstrated at His baptism in the Jordan River and at His first miracle, at Cana in Galilee.

Epiphany is one of the three principal, and oldest festival days of the Christian church (the other two are of course, Easter and Christmas). Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and other Western churches observe the feast on January 6, while some Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Theophany (God revealed in human form) on January 19, since their Christmas Eve falls on January 6.

Most Protestant churches do not celebrate Epiphany, so it is little recognized, and mostly ignored. But we can appreciate Epiphany as another opportunity to recognize and appreciate God’s grace toward all peoples.

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