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Sylvannah Baptist Church Sylvannah Baptist Church

About Sylvannah Baptist Church About Sylvannah Baptist Church

Our Staff

Rev. Dennis A. Woodard, Sr.
    Senior Pastor

Ministerial Staff Under Pastor Woodard

Rev. Marshall H. Fields, Jr.
    Assistant Pastor

Deacon Jerry Arnett
    Chair of Deacons

Trustee Roger Braxton, Jr
    Chair of Trustees

Sister Rhonda Fortune
    Church Clerk

LogoSylvannah Baptist Church
PO Box 906 (8400 Courthouse Rd) Spotsylvania, VA
Phone: (540) 582-5826



About Our Church


Sylvannah Baptist Church
PO Box 906
(8400 Courthouse Rd)
Spotsylvania, VA 22553-0906


We are a family church where we believe that Jesus is Lord and our Elder Brother; therefore all Believers are brothers and sisters. We gather to glorify God, express our love for Jesus Christ, for each other, and our concern for those for whom He cares. We do this through worship, godly living, prayer, evangelism, and giving, all by the aid of the Holy Spirit.

We welcome visitors who are seeking a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, an opportunity to worship Him in both traditional and casual worship experiences, and who desire to do so with others who are accepting, yet striving to live pleasing to Christ.


Schedule of Services 


Sunday Church School - Not yet re-started

Morning Worship - 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
(In-Person Worship with Zoom, Except 5th Sundays)

1st through 4th Sundays

(The Lord's Supper - 3rd Sundays)

Fifth Sundays - 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
(All Virtual Worship Experience)


Bible Study - 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Via Zoom - continually


Statement of Beliefs

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is the supreme guide for life worth living, worship worth experiencing, and giving that reflects Jesus.

Prayer is speaking to God. If you love someone, you want to spend time with him or her, and you hang on to his/her every word. God wants to hear from us, even though He already knows what we need.

The Bible is God’s written Word and His love letter to all humankind. Therefore, we eagerly read and study it to hear His voice speaking to us by the Holy Spirit. Every true Believer should spend time daily in His Word. It is our Daily Bread!

Worship is ascribing worth to God. He is worthy of our highest praise, and our best praise. Worship is not just a duty to be fulfilled, but it is a pleasure to be enjoyed, and that we look forward to it weekly, or whenever we are able.

Baptism is immersion in water, and is an outward symbol or demonstration of the inward reality of Christ dwelling within every Believer. Baptism does not save. It is an act of obedience to the One who has already saved us.

Communion is a memorial meal we share with those who belong to the One who is no longer with us bodily, until He comes again. We do not serve a dead god, but a living Savior who paid for our sins by His sacrifice, which is by His death and resurrection. The Lord's Supper commemorates these truths. 

Fellowship is what we enjoy with each other now, in our gathering for worship, study, and sharing. We look forward to complete joy in His presence and with other Believers at the end of this journey.


Church History

Sylvannah Baptist Church, Spotsylvania, Virginia is one of the oldest African American churches in the county, organized in 1867.

The church first started when “a little band of Christian pioneers in 1867 began prayer meetings and preaching services in various homes of zealous folk.” These meetings were held in the homes of early members including, Saul Carter, Rena Tyler, Warner Carter, and Daniel Holmes. Services were held in a brush arbor during the summertime and in homes during the winter.

The earliest name of the church was "Sylvania Baptist Church." However it was later changed to "Sylvannah" to avoid confusion with other, later congregations that adopted similar names.

The earliest preachers at Sylvannah were lay leaders, including Rylan Taylor, George Madison, and Charles Dawson.

In the 156 year history of our church, we have had only ten pastors, with the last two pastors serving more than 75 years between them. Below is a list of our pastors:


The pastors of Sylvannah are as follows (photos):

  1. Rev. Walker Howard - mid 1870s-1892 (approximately 17 years)

  2. Rev. James S. Minor - 1893-1900 (7 years)

  3. Rev. Edmond C. Thompson - 1901-1904 (3 years)

  4. Rev. David W. Duval - 1905-1907 (2 years)

  5. Rev. Chinor H. Coleman - 1908-1925 (17 years)

  6. Rev. W. H. Carey - 1926-1928 (2 years – died while serving)

  7. Rev. Harry J. Ellis - 1929-1943 (14 years – died while serving)

  8. Rev. Clarence A. Chick - 1944-1946 (2 years)

  9. Rev. Leroy M. Bray, Sr. - 1947-1978 (31 years – died while serving)

  10. Rev. Dennis A. Woodard, Sr. - 1979 to present (more than 44 years)