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Sylvannah Baptist Church Sylvannah Baptist Church

Photo Gallery: Pastor & Mrs. Woodard 38th Anniversary Nov. 2017 Photo Gallery: Pastor & Mrs. Woodard 38th Anniversary Nov. 2017

Pastor & Mrs. Woodard 38th Anniversary Nov. 2017
Viewed 1121 times
Mrs. Woodard Speaks
Viewed 1141 times
Senior Deacon Arnett
Viewed 1144 times
Deacon & Mrs. Frazier
Viewed 1183 times
Music Ministry - Michelle Lewis
Viewed 1176 times
Rhonda Fortune
Viewed 1157 times
Deacon McCurdy
Viewed 1159 times
Deacon Bill always fun
Viewed 1109 times
Pastor's Family
Viewed 1152 times
Sister White honors Pastor & Wife
Viewed 1156 times
The Carvers
Viewed 1159 times
Pastor & Mrs. Woodard listen to Message
Viewed 1210 times
Rev. Oliver Speaks
Viewed 1160 times
Pulpit view
Viewed 1192 times
Mrs. Oliver presents husband
Viewed 1195 times
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