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About: | Over the 45 plus years that God has allowed Pastor Woodard to serve as Pastor of Sylvannah Baptist Church, we have had a number of ministers to join our ministry who have moved on to serve the Lord elsewhere. We have also seen several deacons who have advanced to become ministers. During the pastorate of Rev. Woodard, Sylvannah has had three Assistant Pastors. The ministerial staff under the leadership of Pastor Woodard was first expanded with the ordination of the late Rev. James E. White Sr., on September 30, 1989, and his appointment as Assistant Pastor. Rev. White was called to the pastorate at Branch Fork Baptist Church in 1996 and later to Macedonia Baptist Church, Colonial Beach VA for a number of years before retiring because of declining health. Upon His return to Sylvannah, he again served as Assistant Pastor before he was called from labor to reward on November 20, 2015. The late Rev. Douglas T. Pinkard was licensed to preach following his initial sermon in April 1995. He was ordained and installed as Assistant Pastor on May 3, 1997. He was later called to the pastorate of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Lignum, VA. where he served until, he was called from labor to reward. Our current Assistant Pastor, Rev. Marshall H. Fields, Jr. was formerly Deacon Marshall Fields. He answered his call to the ministry and preached his initial sermon in July 2015 and was licensed to preach. He was appointed Assistant Pastor in 2018 and continues to serve in this capacity to the present time. |