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Sylvannah Baptist Church Sylvannah Baptist Church

A Day of Celebration A Day of Celebration

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A Day of Celebration

Posted on Thu, Nov 12, 2015

148th Church and 36th Pastoral Anniversary on November 15, 2015

Sylvannah Baptist Church is celebrating its 148th Anniversary on the 3rd Sunday in November. Pastor Dennis A. Woodard, Sr. will bring a special anniversary message and Sylvannah Mass Choir will sing during the 11:00 AM worship. The Lord's Supper will also be observed to conclude this portion of our celebration.

The Pastor's 36th Anniversary will be observed during the 3:00 PM service. This worship experience will feature Mount Zion Baptist Church of Spotsylvania as the special guest. Rev. Charles Wormley will share the Word and his choir and ushers will serve.


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