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Sylvannah Baptist Church Sylvannah Baptist Church


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Posted on Sun, Jan 1, 2023

Masks are still required for entering the sanctuary. Hand sanitizer and surgical masks are available. Click on the link for details.

All worship services will continue to be abbreviated (approximately one hour in length) and we will observe the following guidelines for in-person worship until further notice:


1) All members and visitors are required to wear a mask upon entering the sanctuaryPlease wear your mask properly, covering both your nose and your mouth. Also, please sanitize your hands using the hand sanitizer provided in the vestibule. (Surgical masks are likewise available in the vestibule.)

2) All persons leading in worship, singing, or serving as ushers shall be fully vaccinated. In addition, we recommend that all attendees be fully vaccinated.

3) All speakers will also be fully vaccinated, but unmasked for clarity of speech. And masked at all other times.

4) All choir members and musicians are required to be fully vaccinated in order to perform. They will also be unmasked for singing, and masked otherwise.

5) Annual days are limited to brief observances during morning worship, and outside engagements are still suspended.

6) Please stay at home if you are sick, or if you have been exposed to someone who is sick with symptoms of COVID, the flu, or other viruses.


The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that we are as safe as possible. (We have a large number of seniors and other vulnerable people in our congregation.) Regardless of CDC or State recommendations or guidelines regarding masking, it is our intention to be cautious so that we will be able to have in-person worship as long as possible.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.



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